Bumps required WordPress version to v3.0.Adds the option to have PayPal open in a new tab.WordPress to start auto styling shortcodes/widgets. Adds a Remove Line Feeds option on the Advanced tab, that makes the PayPalįorm output not be affected if using a theme or a plugin that modifies.Removes PHP notice when running WordPress in debug mode.Additional Checkout Languages: Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Russia.Additional currencies: Malaysian Ringgit, Russian Ruble.Fixed an issue with saving the custom image URL for the donate button in the admin interface.Added a new filter that will allow tweaks to localize the button image on a multi-lingual website.Added the do_shortcode filtering call on widget_text.Added sanitization and escaping where appropriate.Added a new filter that allows overriding of the paypal email address dynamically.Removed a deprecated function for PHP 7.2.1.Updated the PayPal button image URLs to the new URLs to remove the auto-redirect on them.Added a settings link in the plugin’s menu so it can be accessed easily.Added output escaping in the settings menu.jQuery code update: stopped using jQuery.fn.click in favor of jQuery.fn.on( ‘click’ ).The following language translations are already available in the plugin: This donation plugin generates valid XHTML Transitional and Strict code. If you want to make a specific button for a specific purpose you can add additional options. Which is the simplest option, and uses all default and optional settings. Insert the button in your pages or posts with this shortcode After adding it to your sidebar you can enter a title for the Widget, some descriptive text that will appear above the button and specify an optional purpose and reference for the donation button to override the default settings. In the Appearance -> Widgets you’ll find the PayPal Donations widget. There is also options available for currency, localization of the button, custom payment page style and the return page. You can also set an optional default purpose and reference which can be overridden on each inserted instance with the shortcode options or in the Widget settings. You can choose which donation button you want to use or if you want to use your own button. The options menu lets you setup you PayPal ID and a few other optional settings.

Adds a PayPal donation shortcode and sidebar Widget to WordPress.